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2 min read

HubSpot & Google Tag Manager Integration [video]

Are you using Google Tag Manager in unison with your HubSpot CMS? Or heck, to be honest, any CMS you might be using? If not, in this article, I’m going to share what I’ve learned while I implemented Google Tag manager for my personal site and others. As well as a couple of Google Tag Manager benefits as well.



What is Google Tag Manager?

First off, if you don’t know what Google tag manager is, it’s a free tracking tool and management platform that allows you to add marketing tags, or snippets of code, to your website to track and collect marketing data. 

It allows users to easily implement GTM tags without modifying the code while improving the amount and type of information gathered. this might be for things like Google Analytics, Lucky Orange, or any other tools you want to work with your website. Google Tag Manager is an extremely useful tool and, is totally free to use.

Benefits of Using Google Tag Manager

Some benefits of using Google Tag Manager are that it enables faster page loading speeds.

Google Tag Manager is set up so the tags are fired asynchronously rather than synchronously. This means that each tag is deployed as soon as it loads, instead of waiting for every tag to load before firing. This eliminates the risk of one tag with a slow loading speed hindering the rest of your tags from deploying.

Google Tag Manager also allows you to have all your tags in one spot simplifying your life.

Since all the GTM tracking code is controlled in one area, rather than created and managed on different platforms, Google Tag Manager simplifies and improves the entire process of using tags. Being able to create and view all the deployed tags on one simple interface eliminates repetition and potential errors, instead, it greatly improves efficiency.

And one of the best and last benefits I’ll talk about in this video is it does not require coding knowledge

Google Tag Manager allows you to implement tags without extensive knowledge of coding. The user-friendly interface allows you to edit, remove, or add GTM tracking code without the assistance of web developers.

How do you integrate Google Tag Manager with Hubspot?

Never fear, it’s actually really simple. Let’s take a look and get into the good stuff.

Now that you know the benefits and you know how to integrate Google Tag Manager with HubSpot, the last thing t do is hop to it. In other words, it’s time for you to execute the education you just received.

If you have questions about HubSpot, make sure you use our free HubSpot answers page.

Until we chat about another HubSpot tool, tip, or trick, make sure you're being a happy helpful, humble, human, and I'll see you in the next article.